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Could Stress Ever Be your Friend?

Could Stress Ever Be your Friend?

Session designed for a one hour tutorial during Ofsted week to a group of age 16+ learners but would be suitable for a wider age range. LO's Describe what stress is Discuss outside influences on coping with stress State causes of stress Describe a different perspective of stress Discuss the benefits of stress Student activities throughout which are encouraged to help students consider the benefits of stress and how to use it to their advantage. Particularly useful before exams.
Coping with Setbacks

Coping with Setbacks

Designed for 18+ learners applying for jobs. Series of handouts with guidance and activities throughout. Would benefit from a PowerPoint to help with session delivery and planning.
Cover and Speculative Letters

Cover and Speculative Letters

These worksheets provide students with detailed guidance about how to write effective speculative and cover letters in order to secure future employment. There are activities incorporated into these worksheets designed to get students to consider their skills and attributes, supporting them in producing unique employment letters to impress prospective organisations.
Models of Mental Illness

Models of Mental Illness

This session will need between 1-2 hours depending on the group. Students should be able to meet the following objectives: -Identify the five main models of abnormality -Discuss the implications for treatment of each model -Evaluate the models of abnormality They will be able to look in-depth at disorders and treatments which align with the main models. Several activities embedded throughout.
Internet safety, Sexting and grooming

Internet safety, Sexting and grooming

This tutorial is based upon CEOP's guidance in order to make young people aware of the dangers of the internet, grooming and sexting. This lesson covers the following objectives: 1. Explain the dangers of Internet safety 2. Identify the laws that help control internet content 3. Use the materials in this presentation to produce a tutorial session on Internet safety. Students will participate in discussion and research-based activities.
What is Diversity?

What is Diversity?

A whole lesson, including interactive activities designed with Autonomous learning and British Values in mind. Activities and content of slides have been written to evoke interesting discussion in terms of what makes us so diverse and why we should be respectful of this.
Sexual Health

Sexual Health

This tutorial which could be delivered over two sessions has been designed with very little teacher input. I originally designed this for a group of personal tutors who had never delivered this topic and were concerned about whether their knowledge was up to date. This puts the onus on the students and is research based. It has been designed in such a way that students should stay on topic and address the tutorial in a sensible manner if groups are planned ahead of time by the teacher delivering the sessions. Smaller groups will work best. Lesson Objectives: Investigate a range of sexual health related topics and produce a 5 minute presentation Present information about a sexual health topic Identify sexual health services
Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

A PowerPoint and Poster Activity Handout which features a quiz, a poster activity on healthy eating and a celebrity client advice plenary. LO's: You will be able to describe key elements of the most important nutrients You will be able to describe the positives of having a balanced diet Some of you will be able to identify client’s needs and how to make a diet healthier This was originally created for a LA Year 9 group but can be adjusted to suit other abilities and delivered over an hour. You will need poster materials e.g. pens/paper and internet access to deliver this lesson.


Colourful PowerPoint with discussion prompts, video clips to enable students to learn what bullying is and what to do in the event of bullying.


A handout and array of group activities aimed at apprentices/adults on Assertiveness. There are an array of group activities/reflections task with employment based scenarios. May benefit from a PowerPoint to accompany. Could be delivered over several sessions.
Impact of Multi-Disciplinary Approach and Professional Bodies

Impact of Multi-Disciplinary Approach and Professional Bodies

PowerPoint with some teacher prompts based on recent research and full of student activities. Students can be fairly self-sufficient during this session. This was originally written for Access to HE but will also be useful for A-Level. Objectives are as follows: To Recap prior learning To Explain what is meant by the term ‘multi-disciplinary team’ (MDT) To Evaluate multi-disciplinary team working within the Health and Social Care context To Analyse the influence of a health care professional and their professional bodies
Mental Health in Adolescence

Mental Health in Adolescence

Student Focused Investigation style lesson where students will be researching the prevalence and causation of mental health problems in Adolescents.
Coping with Job Rejection

Coping with Job Rejection

Whole Lesson covering the following via group and independent tasks: To identify the common reasons why people might not be hired for the job. To identify what people can do to counteract these reasons. To identify the worst reasons why people are not hired for jobs. Student documentation, a basic lesson plan and full PowerPoint have been included to provide you with everything you need to teach a lesson on job rejection.
Social Work-values and Purpose

Social Work-values and Purpose

This is a powerpoint with activities to enable students to explore the values and purpose of social work. Students will produce an information sheet for a scenario, they will then examine the British Association of Social Work Ethics Committee.
News, Current Issues, Media-Female Stereotypes-Dress Like a Woman, Trump

News, Current Issues, Media-Female Stereotypes-Dress Like a Woman, Trump

This lesson was inspired by the recent media coverage of Trump's comments to his employees regarding needing to "Dress like a woman'. This has lead to much debate on the news, internet, social media and so is a perfect opportunity to discuss why context matters when constructing an argument for or against an individuals comments, meaning of female and gender stereotyping. This lesson enables students to voice their opinion in a safe environment, use debate skills to argue their viewpoint, research the meaning and context on the internet, discuss media influences on how events have been portrayed. Students activities and extension activities have been included to provide an engaging session. English skills, Equality & Diversity, British Values and Study Skills embedded throughout. Applicable to a wide range of subjects.
Brazil, Comprehension, Online Research Hunt-Lets Visit Brazil

Brazil, Comprehension, Online Research Hunt-Lets Visit Brazil

This lesson is based upon Brazil and has been written in a style which allows the students to explore the country. They will be using their reading, research and ICT skills by finding out facts on the internet and recording them. They will be asked questions which use their literacy/English skills, as well as comparing Brazil to their own Country- building up their awareness of diversity. Students will be looking at the symmetry of the Brazilian flag to enhance their mathematics/numeracy skills. You may wish to use the accompanying handout for lower ability learners, but higher ability learners could be asked to record the information in a format of their own choice, in greater detail. The lesson also covers locating Brazil on a map.
Back to school/getting to know you

Back to school/getting to know you

4 Resources
Resources for use either during the first week of term or with new classes. Activities centred around icebreaking, communication skills and developing spoken/written English. Can used to initiate class discussions on diversity, citizenship and school preparedness.


3 Resources
This bundle includes lessons on coping with setbacks,, job rejection and stress.
Health Promotion

Health Promotion

This is about 4 hours worth of teacher-led tutorial and student activities on health promotion. Students will cover the following: Healthy/unhealthy/risk taking behaviours Why health promotion is used Organisations on a local and national level which seek to promote health Health Targets Models of Behaviour Change Health Promotion Activities and Techniques Students will build on their research and evaluation skills.
Psychology/Mental Health

Psychology/Mental Health

6 Resources
A range of full lessons on psychology and mental health. Applicable to A-Level, Health and Social Courses, Psychology Courses and Access to HE Courses.